Wednesday, July 19
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Have I mentioned the bears?  Every night the bears come through the campground and create a midnight buffet by knocking over the dumpsters.  We have seen two bears.  One is smaller, weighing about 200 - 250 pounds.  The other is quite large and probably weighs over 500 pounds.  Their strength is amazing!  I have a hard time even rolling the dumpster on its wheels, let alone actually knocking the whole thing over.

Dumpster01.jpg (65476 bytes)    Dumpster02.jpg (65255 bytes)    Dumpster03.jpg (63110 bytes)

We've decided to take a break from fishing today.  To be honest, I've lost count of the number of fish caught by everyone.  While I've only caught 4 myself, the camp total is somewhere around 50 fish.  We've managed to eat about 20 but that still leave 30 fish in camp.

After a brunch of Don's famous biscuits and gravy, we take the day at a leisurely pace.  Denise beats me two games out of three in dominos.  We also have a dart tournament to pass the afternoon hours.  Scott takes his nephews fishing on the lake shore right in camp.  The lake was stocked today and an hour or two of fishing adds another 15 trout to the camp total.  3 limits!  The fishing is incredible.

But enough fish already.  We take a breather and enjoy a nice dinner with ham as the main course.  The sun slowly sets and casts long shadows in the twilight.  The clouds have shades of pink and purple, contrasting against the darkening sky.  Ah, another day in paradise.

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